Take the next step in your career, learn how each company defines their roles to help you level up in yours.
Career framework inspiration from the world's best companies.
Figma Product Design & Writing Career Levels
How the Figma Design organization thinks about performance at each level, including a skills chart and detailed descriptions of the core competencies we expect for each role on our team.
Trunk Club Design Roles
A guide to Trunk Club's team, roles, expectations, and values
Intercom's Product Design Job Levels
Intercom's guide to product design roles and responsibilities
Product Design Roles at GitLab
At GitLab, product designers collaborate closely with product managers, engineers, UX researchers, technical writers, and other product designers to create a productive, minimal, and human experience.
Dev Career Ladders
A sample of career ladders I use for my organization, open sourced for anyone.
Buzzfeed Product Design Roles
A public collection of BuzzFeed Design career documentation.