Every product needs to make a splash!

With the new splash page for Safar TeleCare we wanted to extend the brand and showcase the main value and benefits of Safar for clinical staff and their support teams. Shaping the future of healthcare tools from traditionally complex enterprise applications to simple and straight forward apps that are designed with consumer sensibilities in mind.

Screenshot of the top half of the splash page
Screenshot of the bottom half of the splash page

Hover effects can be a lot of fun! Here are 2 micro-interactions we decided to bring to life.

The 3 step workflow of Safar TeleCare: Connect, Collaborate & Document

The 3 steps of the consultation workflow in Safar TeleCare. Connect. Collaborate. Document.

Close up of the connect workflow step

Behind the Scenes

Take a close look at some of the values on this mockup. Notice anything familiar? The keen eye may recognize a couple of the names and numbers from the tv series Lost. Gotta love a little easter egg here and there!

Close up of the collaborate workflow step
Close up of the document workflow step
Close up image showcasing the many services Safar TeleCare can support
Close up image of the main user types of the application: virtual providers, bedside providers & administrators
Close up image of the footer
The original splash page that acted as a login buffer with the new and improved branded splash page

From a simple login page to a branded and product-focused splash page, sharing the value and brand of Safar TeleCare.

If you are curious how I brought these beautiful gradients to life check out this video! This tutorial explores design techniques to create soft gradients that are inspired by the characters of Pixar’s Soul. Enjoy!